Butterfly! These words from my brush are not flowers... only their shadows. Soseki*

        The "haiku" that you find on the following pages is not "by the rules" haiku. Most of it is, as the title of the first selections indicate, what I choose to refer to as "american haiku". The famous Japanese haiku poet, Shiki, said of haiku that "essence is more important than form" and proceeded to take liberties with the form and structure of the art of haiku. Maintaining the classic form in English sounds like so much gibberish and doesn't lend itself to the "impressionist" quality that I find in the works of early haiku masters such as Issa, Basho and Buson. My love of haiku was fostered by the works of those talented gentlemen as translated by Peter Beilenson who, it is said, rendered the best translations of their poetry and collected it in three volumes; Japanese Haiku, The Four Seasons, and Cherry Blossoms. Peter began, and Harry Behn completed the forth volume in the series, Haiku Harvest, because Mr. Beilenson journeyed to the "other side". Each of the poems captures a moment with the deft strokes of the artists words. The four works were published by Peter Pauper Press, also, I believe, now deceased. So, with apologies only to those listed above for being presumptious enough to put my name along with theirs, I offer you my own attempts at haiku. soji (aka Gary)

    3 american haiku


    8th grey day of rain... even the flowers in my garden seem sated. ** See, I leave paths in these fields of diamonds... shuffling through dew laden grass. *** Summer evening concert crickets and cicadas harmonize solo by Mr. Frog ! More Haiku this way Home

    *This haiku, by Soseki, is from the Peter Pauper Press volumes mentioned above.
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